sweetsherriloudesigns - The Connected Blog 2021-10-12T22:48:02-04:00 sweetsherriloudesigns 2021-10-12T22:48:02-04:00 2021-10-14T19:18:37-04:00 The Importance of Saving Sharks Lexy Taylor It is estimated that 100 million sharks are killed every year due to commercial fisheries.You can help sharks today and everyday. Let people know you care by spreading awareness and fighting for change against the shark slaughter.



shark swimming in the ocean surrounded by fish

Sharks are greatly important in the ecosystem, as they help to remove the weak and sick below them on the food web. They indirectly maintain seagrass and coral reef habitats by keeping the species below them in the food web in check. Without sharks in the ocean, the balance would be disrupted and it would lead to severe consequences that affect animals, plants, and even humans.

Why Are Sharks Being Killed?

It is estimated that 100 million sharks are killed every year due to commercial fisheries. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classed the species as an endangered species. The IUCN noted that overfishing is one of the biggest reasons for this classification, with many shark populations in steep decline because of it.

This overfishing is caused by ‘the fin trade’ - referring to the use of shark fin in shark fin soup, a Chinese delicacy that can fetch thousands of dollars per serving.

Sharks are often caught in indirect ways, as well, through modern fishing practices they’re often caught as “by-catch” in nets along with other unintended species such as dolphin, turtles, and rays.

Due to this overfishing for the fin trade and by-catch, shark populations have decreased by 90 percent in just the last 30 years. As sharks have relatively long maturation times (between 7 to 20 years), it is near impossible for populations to recover as quickly as they are being taken from our oceans.

How You Can Make a Difference

You can help sharks today and everyday. Let people know you care by spreading awareness and fighting for change against the shark slaughter.

Take the pledge to help protect shark species for the future of our oceans. Pledge to:

  • Eat sustainable seafood. If you can’t easily trace the path from the sea to your plate, find another source.

  • Speak up. Let’s change the laws that allow the sale of shark fins, killing of sharks, or the finning fishery in a country or state. Let’s fight to change the laws regarding by-catch. Many animals including dolphins, turtles, sharks, and rays get caught in nets meant for other species.

  • Support sharks, skate, and ray research and conservation efforts. The more we know, the better we can protect them

  • Share the pledge with friends, family, and everyone else

It all comes down to spreading the word. We have the power to be the change and the voice for those who don’t have one.

This is why we created our Shark Conservation Collection. With every purchase, 10% of the proceeds are donated to Oceana to support their shark research, conservation efforts, and the fight against the fin trade. With every wear, you’re spreading awareness of the fin trade and the issues sharks face every day.

collage of sweetsherriloudesigns products - woman wearing shirt with sharks, woman wearing shark fin tshirt, whale shark cotton cap, and save the sharks tshirt

]]> 2020-06-13T21:46:00-04:00 2021-09-14T19:01:36-04:00 How Much Do You Know About Sea Turtles? - Quiz Lexy Taylor

Sea turtles are amazing creatures that play a vital role in the health of our oceans. June 16th is World Sea Turtle Day, but we want to spread awareness and educate to make a difference for sea turtles year-round. So, put your knowledge to the test and take our quiz! When we know more about them, we're better equipped to help keep them safe.


Sea turtle hatchling heading towards the sea in the sand

Sea turtles are amazing creatures that play a vital role in the health of our oceans.

June 16th is World Sea Turtle Day, but we want to spread awareness and educate to make a difference for sea turtles year-round. So, put your knowledge to the test and take our quiz! When we know more about them, we're better equipped to help keep them safe.


So... how'd you do? Let us know in the comments below!

Now that you know a bit more about sea turtles, want to learn how to help save them? Check out this post: 10 Ways You Can Help Save Sea Turtles

]]> 2020-06-13T20:17:00-04:00 2021-10-27T19:43:38-04:00 10 Ways You Can Help Save Sea Turtles Lexy Taylor Of the 7 sea turtle species in the world, 6 of them nest in the United States and all six are classified as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Here are 10 ways you can support the conservation of wild sea turtles around the world...


Sea Turtle swimming in the ocean

Of the 7 sea turtle species in the world, 6 of them nest in the United States and all six are classified as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act.


June 16th is World Sea Turtle Day, but we want to spread awareness and make a difference for sea turtles year-round. Here are 10 ways you can support the conservation of wild sea turtles around the world:


1. Say NO to plastics! Sea turtles and other marine animals often mistake plastic as food. It is estimated that more than 100 million marine animals die each year from ingesting or getting entangled in plastic. Invest in reusable bags, bottles, and straws to help eliminate waste.

2. Reduce your carbon footprint. Climate change impacts coral reefs, nesting beaches, affects male-to-female sex ratios of hatchlings, and more. Learn 5 ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

3. Choose responsibly caught seafood. Sea turtles often become untangled in commercial fishing methods like trawling, longlines, and gillnets. Check out the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch (also available as an app) to find turtle-friendly seafood options!

4. Leave only footprints. When you visit the beach, don’t forget to look around and pick up everything before you leave. Things like beach furniture, sandcastles, and holes can create difficult obstacles for a nesting sea turtle and could even cause death. Leave the beach clean and clear for all wildlife.

Sea turtles resting on beach

5. Volunteer! There are countless ways that you can volunteer your time to make a difference for sea turtles. Organize or attend a clean-up day - even if you don’t live near a beach, parks are important too! If in your area, join a sea turtle nesting patrol to help researchers determine nesting data. Most importantly, talk to anyone and everyone about ways they can help save sea turtles every day.

6. Minimize beach lighting. The moon guides nesting sea turtles and hatchlings, so flashlights or bright lights at beach houses can disorient turtles. Turn off exterior lighting or switch to sea turtle friendly fixtures. When walking on the beach, place a red filter over your flashlight or invest in a red-light flashlight. 

7. Don’t disturb nesting females, nests, or hatchlings. We totally get it, seeing a sea turtle can be an exciting experience. Turtles can get easily spooked when starting to nest and may return back to sea without nesting, also known as a “false crawl”. Keep your distance from sea turtles and nests to ensure a safe and stress-free experience for everyone.

Sea turtles nesting on a beach

8. Stay alert when boating. Sea turtles are air breathing reptiles, so they need to come up to the surface fairly often. Boat and propeller strikes can seriously injure or kill turtles. Stay alert, stay in channels, avoid running over their habitat like seagrass beds, and slow down if you see a sea turtle nearby.

9.  Hold the balloons! Celebrations can be just as fun without balloons, and they aren’t much fun when they come back down. Helium balloons can travel long distances and can entangle land and marine animals. Skip the balloons and check out some eco-friendly alternatives from Balloons Blow.

10. Be the voice for the voiceless. We must take a stand for those who can’t do so for themselves by spreading awareness and fighting for change. That’s why we created our Sea Turtle Conservation Collection. With every wear, you’re spreading the message for sea turtles and with every purchase we donate 10% of the proceeds to The Sea Turtle Conservancy.

Sea Turtle Conservation Collection - sweetsherriloudesigns - 10% of proceeds donated to sea turtle conservancy

Together, we can help save sea turtles - and many other species that depend on our oceans!

How much do you know about sea turtles? Put your knowledge to the test and take our sea turtle quiz!

]]> 2020-02-09T12:59:00-05:00 2020-04-25T22:01:18-04:00 40 Ways To Be Kind Lexy Taylor It costs nothing at all to be kind. Think about the last time you went out of your way to be kind and make someone feel cared for. Didn’t it make your day too? Not only do kind acts make others happy, but research also suggests that being kind to others increases our own happiness.


Two friends walking on a beach laughing


It costs nothing at all to be kind. Think about the last time you went out of your way to be kind and make someone feel cared for. Didn’t it make your day too? Not only do kind acts make others happy, but research also suggests that being kind to others increases our own happiness.


Sometimes we just need a little inspiration to spread some love and kindness in the world. Here are 40 suggestions and ideas of ways to be kind.


  1. Smile and make someone's day a bit better.

  2. Look for ways you can promote peace.

  3. Be compassionate. The next time someone is rude or inconsiderate, consider what they may be going through and be kind in return.

  4. Volunteer at a homeless shelter. Help serve a meal or volunteer with any organization you feel passionate about.

  5. Acknowledge and respect their feelings even if you feel they are not accurate/appropriate.

  6. Offer a hug.

  7. Surprise a loved one with an unexpected visit or phone call.

  8. Donate your used books and/or magazines to a local library.

  9. Hide notes of encouragement in a loved ones lunch box, coat pocket, shoes, or somewhere else they would receive a nice little surprise.

  10. Share herbs from your garden.

  11. Say, “I’m sorry.”

  12. Praise someone at work for a job well done.

  13. Put chocolate chips in their pancakes, or whatever their favorite add-in is.

  14. Send out a kind email or handwritten card.

  15. Give someone a genuine compliment.

  16. Help clean up, without being asked.

  17. Organize a clothing or food drive. Taking initiative to collect and distribute items for a shelter not only makes it easy for the shelter to help others, but it also inspires others.

  18. Ask, “How can I help you?”

  19. Hold the door open for the person behind you.

  20. Encourage a friend or family member when they are uncertain or unmotivated.

  21. Strike up a conversation with a stranger.

  22. Let someone into your lane while driving.

  23. Pay for the person behind you in line. Whether it be a small coffee or a whole meal, make sure to stay anonymous and relay a friendly message such as “spread kindness and pay it forward.”

  24. Wear or use a gift they gave you in their presence.

  25. Use a kind voice even if you have to fake it.

  26. Give your time to a friend or someone who needs it.

  27. Share a good recipe.

  28. Tutor a younger person in reading. You can find a local literacy volunteer organization through a Google search on “literacy volunteers (your state)”.

  29. Help someone with a household chore.

  30. Volunteer at your local animal shelter. Spending time with animals while they’re looking for their forever homes cheer them up and can potentially get them adopted quicker. Take them for a walk if possible or even just sit in a quiet room while petting them.

  31. Plant a tree or flowers in a neglected area of your neighborhood.

  32. Say “I love you” a little more often to family and friends.

  33. Leave a gift for someone in a random public place such as a park bench or bus stop. You can even stick around and catch them finding your gift to see their reaction!

  34. Pause before you speak and choose words with positive intention.

  35. Pick up litter you see thrown around, even if it’s not yours.

  36. Remove complaints and curses for one week.

  37. Gift something meaningful to someone. Share a thoughtful token of love by loaning a book, bringing flowers, baking cookies, or another way to let them know you care.

  38. Make a donation to charity.

  39. Give up your seat on the train or bus to an elderly, pregnant person, or someone who looks tired.

  40. Use less plastic or none at all, because it’s kind to the environment.


Woman smiling while wearing sweetsherriloudesigns Be Kind To All Unisex Sweatshirt


We're spreading the message of kindness with our Be Kind To All Tee! It serves as a reminder and inspires others to be kind to other people, animals, and themself. 


Kindness is always a choice, and it does help make the world a better place. It takes a conscious decision by us to be kind. So, be kind to all ❤️

]]> 2019-12-15T19:19:00-05:00 2022-04-11T20:45:27-04:00 7 Eco-friendly Companies That Give Back To Our Planet Lexy Taylor As consumers, we have so much power to change the world just by being conscious about what we are buying, and actively support the companies promoting sustainability. So many eco-conscious companies also give back to various non-profit organizations that they support, making every purchase a ‘win-win’ situation.


7 Eco-friendly Companies That Give Back To Our Planet - sweetsherriloudesigns Blog


There are so many ways to help make a difference for our planet. One great way to help is by supporting companies that give back and inspire change.


With every decision you make, YOU are changing the world. As consumers, we have so much power to change the world just by being conscious about what we are buying, and actively support the companies promoting sustainability. So many eco-conscious companies also give back to various non-profit organizations that they support, making every purchase a ‘win-win’ situation.


This blog post contains affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you should you click through and make a purchase. All commissions earned allow us to further give back to more of the amazing non-profit organizations we support.


Here are 7 eco-friendly companies that give back to our planet with every purchase:



Tentree Member Planting Trees - sweetsherriloudesigns Blog - 7 Eco-friendly Companies That Give Back To The Planet

With every purchase you make, Tentree plants 10 trees. After making a purchase, you will be able to see all of the trees you helped to plant, plus fun information such as where they were planted, what kind of trees were planted, and how they impact that ecosystem. Not only do they give back to the planet by planting trees, but their clothing is also made of sustainable and eco-friendly materials like organic cotton, hemp, wood pulp, and recycled polyester. To date, Tentree has planted over 35 million trees through their products and has a goal for planting 1 billion trees by 2030.

Shop Tentree



Pura Vida Bracelets Model Holding a Grey Charity Bracelet - sweetsherriloudesigns Blog - 7 Eco-friendly Companies That Give Back To The Planet

Pura Vida Bracelets supports more than 800 artisans in Costa Rica, India, El Salvador, and more, and provides a steady income and positive work environment thanks to Pura Vida fans. They have partnered with over 175 charities for the new Charity Collection and have donated nearly 1.9 million to various causes.

Shop Pura Vida Bracelets



One Happy Leaf Eco-friendly Bamboo Jewelry - sweetsherriloudesigns Blog - 7 Eco-friendly Companies That Give Back To Our Planet

One Happy Leaf is an eco-friendly alternative to mainstream jewelry. Rather than traditional materials, One Happy Leaf uses fast-growing and more sustainable bamboo for their jewelry. For every order placed, 1 tree is planted in partnership with Trees for the Future. To date, One Happy Lead has planted nearly 17,000 trees and are on a mission to plant 1 million trees by 2023. 

Shop One Happy Leaf



 United By Blue Team Member Wearing a Jacket and Carrying a Bag of Trash During a Cleanup - sweetsherriloudesigns Blog - 7 Eco-friendly Companies That Give Back To Our Planet

United By Blue removes 1 pound of trash from our oceans and waterways with every product purchased. From organizing beach cleanups to creating reusable products like utensil kits, they hope to eliminate the need for their mission in the future. They have also created exclusive and sustainable material blends as well as source ethically made products.

Shop United By Blue



sweetsherriloudesigns - Protect Our Pollinators Tee

sweetsherriloudesigns creates products that spread awareness of animal and environmental causes, as well as gives back 10% of the profits to various organizations. With every purchase, you can give back to multiple organizations at once, plus you spread the message with every wear. They make t-shirts only from plant-based materials - nothing synthetic, and they’re printed after each order is placed using water-based and eco-friendly inks to reduce waste. 

Shop sweetsherriloudesigns



Proud Pour Bottles Of Wine with water in the background - Save The Oceans and Save The Bees - sweetsherriloudesigns Blog - 7 Eco-friendly Companies That Give Back To Our Planet

Proud Pour is changing the wine game and working to make the world a better place with each bottle. Not only are they sustainably grown, but they also fund local environmental restoration. Currently, their beverages help to restore oyster populations, plant bee habitat, and provide sea turtle hospital funding. To date, their efforts have funded restoration of over 11 million oysters and 68 acres of native bee habitat.

Shop Proud Pour



Love Goodly Box with Items Surrounding It, Bamboo Toothbrush, Vegan Leather Wallet, and Face Products - sweetsherriloudesigns Blog - 7 Eco-friendly Companies That Give Back To Our Planet

Love Goodly is a subscription box supporting a different charity partner every month. They are carefully curated bi-monthly with a focus on non-toxic, cruelty-free, and vegan beauty, plus an occasional eco-friendly accessory or snack. This month, they have partnered with Farm Sanctuary who works to protect farm animals from cruelty and inspires change and cruelty-free living.

Shop Love Goodly


Which eco-company is your favorite?

Leave a comment below and let us know which brand is your favorite, or share an eco-friendly philanthropic company that we missed!


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Pinterest It - 7 Eco-friendly Companies That Give Back To Our Planet - sweetsherriloudesigns Blog 

]]> 2019-09-06T19:22:00-04:00 2019-11-03T10:03:00-05:00 What To Do (And Not To Do) With Your Used Clothes Lexy Taylor "We all have those t-shirts we’ve loved a bit too much. As we are decluttering our homes, we often overlook items that could have a second life. When it comes to t-shirts and other apparel, do not throw them out!"


Closet full of T-shirts and other colorful clothing

We all have those t-shirts we’ve loved a bit too much. As we are decluttering our homes, we often overlook items that could have a second life. When it comes to t-shirts and other apparel, do not throw them out! There are so many options that can increase their lifespan.

So, go through your closets, gather your unwanted and unused clothes, and take another look to do something creative or charitable with them! Here's a list of our top 5 things to do with used clothes.

What To Do With Your Used Clothing

1. Recycle your used clothing

A very small percentage of clothing is actually recycled - less than 1%. Often, it is repurposed, resold, or upcycled.

Why is it that only less than 1% is recycled? Well, it's apparently really hard to do. Most fabrics are a blend of materials that are hard to separate. However, one company has figured out how to separate them and create new(ish) tees from old worn ones.

Marine Layer is a company creating sustainable “closed-loop” production fabrics. Their recycling program called “Re-Spun” will actually give you money for your old shirts that will be recycled into new tees. Yes, you read that right. You get $5 per shirt, up to $25, paid in the form of store credit. To date, they have collected over 100,000 tees!

How does the process work? You send in your old tees of any condition (stains, rips and holes are okay!) and any material except spandex. Then, the tees are broken down to the fiber level by Marine Layer’s partner, RecoverTex based in Spain, one of the only companies in the world with the ability to recycle blended fabrics.

The new(ish) tees produced are composed of 50% recycled tees and 50% recycled plastic bottles. There is no water, no added dyes, and no new materials used in the entire process. The unique colors of the tees are created by combining different colors of the recycled tees.

Have some tees you’d like to send in? Head to their website and grab your Free Recycling Kit.

2. Upcycle used clothing

Upcycling and DIY projects are all the rage right now and we are 100% here for it. Upcycling is the process of transforming unwanted or waste materials into something new or better quality. Websites like Etsy and Pinterest are full of awesome ideas.

You can do DIY projects even if you aren’t particularly crafty, and thanks to the internet, there has never been a better time to learn some new skills to craft things out of what may be trashed.

Even if you don’t have the time or feel like you have the skill to DIY, you can still support the upcycling community and the environment by buying repurposed items.

There are a million projects online that show you how to create scarves, bracelets, rugs, belts, necklaces, and so much more. Here are a few of our favorite projects that we’ve found made from upcycled used tees:

Upcycling Idea: Make produce bags from used clothing

Make a set of your own produce bags to ditch the plastic bags. As more cities crack down on single use plastics, this is the perfect time to create your own eco-friendly alternative. This easy no-sew project only needs three things: an old tee, sharp scissors, and fabric glue. If you’d like different sized bags, check out the sewn version, too.

No-sew version of produce bag made from used T-shirts

Image by DeliaCreates

Upcycling Idea: Make a hanging planter from used T-shirts

Within an hour you can create a simple macrame plant holder that can be personalized in any way you’d like. Who wants to spend the money on plant accessories when you could use an old tee lying around and spend the saved money on more plants?

Simple Macrame Plant Holder made from used T-shirts

Image by A Beautiful Mess

Upcycling Idea: Make a pet toy from used tees

We all have that dog in our life that shreds anything and everything put in front of them. With an old tee or two you can create a quick and fun toy for your pup

Create a quick and fun toy for your pup from used t-shirts

Image by BarkPost

Or, if you’re more of a cat person, you can make a fun knotted cat toy from a few strips of T-shirt. Knot one of the lengths tightly around the others to make sure it doesn't unravel.

 Make a fun and colorful knotted cat toy from strips of a used t-shirt

Image by One Crazy House

Upcycling Idea: Braid a fashionable belt from used shirts

If you’re in a pinch, or just wanting a new accessory, you can braid yourself a new belt from unwanted T-shirts.

Braided belt made from unwanted T-shirts - DeliaCreates

Image by DeliaCreates

Upcycling Idea: Make reusable cotton rounds from used tees

Eliminate single-use cotton rounds from your skin care routine by making reusable cotton rounds from unwanted T-shirts. Plus, these can also be made out of old towels to create a more of a scrub-ee cotton round.

Create eco-friendly reusable cotton rounds from used T-shirts - Loepsie

Image by Loepsie

3. Donate used clothing to charity

Donating is most people’s go-to when looking to get rid of unwanted clothing. Look into local non-profit charities in your area. Group homes, senior centers, and homeless shelters may have a need for used clothing. Many animal shelters may take DIY dog toys made from old shirts.

Be sure to call ahead or check the website of the place you’re planning on donating to, ensuring that they will take your items.

4. Sell your used clothing online

This option is not necessarily for used tees, depending on the shape that they’re in. Clothing in good shape and worth a little money can bring in some potential buyers. Buying and selling pre-owned clothes offers variety, sustainability, and affordability.

5. Repurpose your old clothing

For the old tees that can’t be donated, and aren’t ideal for crafting with (due to stains or other reasons), they can be cut into rags useful for cleaning furniture, your car, shoes, or anything else you use rags for.

Though they may still end up in landfills eventually, you can prolong the life of your tees by washing and reusing them for as long as you can.

DON’T throw used clothing away

There are so many options to help keep waste from going in the landfill. Even stained, torn, and seemingly hopeless clothing can still be repurposed into the endless number of DIY projects online.

Before replacing your old clothes, ensure that you are investing in clothes that will last. Ethical and sustainable fashion is made to last and worth every penny. When looking into clothing brands, always ask where their products come from. Here at Connected, we work hard to provide you with the best quality products that are both ethically and sustainably made. Plus, we have no secrets, find out exactly how our clothes are made here.

Reuse, repurpose, invest in products made to last, and hopefully, you never throw used clothing away ever again. 



]]> 2018-10-11T00:55:00-04:00 2020-06-19T03:58:04-04:00 4 Ways You Can Help To Save The Bees Lexy Taylor "...more than half of the North American bee species are declining and nearly 1 in 4 are at risk of extinction."



Bee perched on yellow sunflower (Credit: Christoph Polatzky / Unsplash)


According to a recent report published by the Center for Biological Diversity, more than half of the North American bee species are declining and nearly 1 in 4 are at risk of extinction

Read on to find out why bees are so important, why their populations are declining, and 4 ways you can help to save the bees!

Why bees are so important

Bees are the worlds primary pollinators and are essential for maintaining a functional ecosystem [1]. Flowering plants rely heavily on bees for pollination to produce fruits and seeds. Without bees, there are not enough pollinators to continue the current pollination rate. The crops that bees pollinate provide about 35% of our global food supply and bring in over $20 billion in agricultural services annually [1,3]. In other words, bees are responsible for about one in every three bites of food that we eat! Not only are bees beneficial to human food production, but the plants they pollinate also provide food for countless other species [2]. 

Why bee populations are declining

The main threat and cause of bee population decline is the dramatic intensification of agriculture. Mass agriculture destroys bee habitat by immensely decreasing the diversity of pollination and food sources available to bees from fields only containing one crop. These single crop fields reduce the amount of pollen available for bees to thrive and decrease their immune response [3].

In addition, mass agriculture commonly uses pesticides that are toxic to insects. Not only do these chemicals harm insects, but they also kill flowering weeds that are beneficial to pollinators [3]. 

Like humans, bees have their own diseases and parasites that can decrease their health and potentially kill them. When combined with poor nutrition and/or poisoning, sick bees are much less likely to survive [3]. 

What can you do? 

  • Plant native, bee-friendly plants and flowers in your garden and yard. Try to avoid plucking the weeds, the more diverse - the better!
  • Don't use pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides on your lawn or garden. These are extremely harmful to the bees! If the plants are contaminated, more than likely the bees are affected too.
  • Buy local, raw honey. Head to a local farmers market and meet some beekeepers! Support your local beekeepers interested in sustainability and bee conservation.
  • Buy local, organic food. Most large agriculture producers use chemicals and pesticides that are harmful to bees. Support your local organic farmers!

One last way you can help to save the bees is by donating to the awesome organizations working tirelessly to save them! With every purchase of our Bee The Change Tee, 10% of the proceeds are donated to the Honeybee Conservancy!

Model Wearing sweetsherriloudesigns Bee The Change Tee in White - sweetsherriloudesigns - Ethically and Sustainably Made - 10% donated to The Honeybee Conservancy

Let's spread the word about the importance of bees and raise awareness to help save them! 



[1] Kopec, Kelsey, and Lori Ann Burd. “Pollinators in Peril: A Systematic Status Review of North American and Hawaiian Native Bees.” Center for Biological Diversity, Feb. 2017,

[2] Michener, C. D. 2007. Bees of the World, Second Edition. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press: 831 pp

[3] Spivak, M., E. Mader, M. Vaughan, and N. H. Euliss Jr. 2010. The Plight of the Bees. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(1).

Featured Image Credit: Behzad Ghaffarian / Unsplash

In-Article Image Credit: Christoph Polatzky / Unsplash
